Your Pet May Save Your Life


Pets and the elderly often make good companions. Having a dog or a cat can greatly improve the health of people who are advanced in their retirement, among other things because it keeps them more

3 Things to look for in a veterinary clinic


Every year during Christmas season, Americans spend around $5 billion on their pets. This is not surprising since 90 percent of pet owners say that for them their pets are part of their families. And

Weighing the Cost, Grooming the Dog


If you ask what mobile pet grooming Tampa FL has to offer, a lot of people might not even know what the heck you are talking about. The mobile dog grooming tampa FL offers is

Consider Pet Insurance


Pets can be important parts of families. Did you know that 94 percent of pet owners say that their pet makes them smile at least once a day? If you own a pet, you might

Why Everyone Benefits With Pets And The Elderly


The benefits of pets for the elderly have been discussed at great length ever since research on this very important subject began. Pets in most humans have been shown to reduce blood pressure levels, aid

Three Benefits Of Pets For the Elderly


Many Americans love their pets as much as they love family members, but the bond between man and animal goes back several thousands of years. We initially relied on dogs in our hunting and gathering

Easing the Grieving Process Over a Lost Pet


Pets have a major impact on your daily life. When surveyed, over 94 percent of the people asked said that their pet made them smile at least once a day. After all your pet has