When an elderly family member lives alone, they can get really lonely. Giving them a pet is one way to help them deal with health issues and loneliness. A pet can help reduce blood pressure, anxiety, and other ailments. The pet can also help them be more social and teach them new things. Having a […]
Why Everyone Benefits With Pets And The Elderly
The benefits of pets for the elderly have been discussed at great length ever since research on this very important subject began. Pets in most humans have been shown to reduce blood pressure levels, aid in brain development and provide a more positive experience, which normally leads to better experiences overall for pets and the […]
Three Benefits Of Pets For the Elderly
Many Americans love their pets as much as they love family members, but the bond between man and animal goes back several thousands of years. We initially relied on dogs in our hunting and gathering days, and cats were also capable hunters and pest exterminators themselves. Birds were smaller pets that could also hunt pests, […]
Pet Therapy for the Elderly
There has been some excellent research done that shows how pet therapy for the elderly can really help to boost both one’s physical as well emotional help. Different kinds of pets can be used in pet therapy for the elderly. However, dogs are the most often used pets for seniors who are being given pet […]
Pets for Elderly Folks
In many recent studies, there have been findings that have backed up the connection between pets and elderly folks as well as with many healthy and unhealthy folks as the aging process begins. There is no denying the benefits of pet therapy for the elderly and how pets and elderly folks interact with one another […]
The Benefits of Pets for the Elderly
For those that are reaching their senior years, or are seeking soothing ways to alleviate pain or stress, then perhaps pets for the elderly might be something to consider for that lonesome senior citizen seeking companionship. The benefits of pets for the elderly surely outweigh the costs and responsibilities. Can you really put a price […]