There has been some excellent research done that shows how pet therapy for the elderly can really help to boost both one’s physical as well emotional help. Different kinds of pets can be used in pet therapy for the elderly. However, dogs are the most often used pets for seniors who are being given pet therapy for the elderly. Cats and sometimes pocket pets are also used, just not as often. Pets for elderly patients must be registered as such before they can be used.
The benefits of pets for the elderly cannot be understated. Even elderly pets themselves are good for therapy sessions. There is just something wonderful about having a dog or cat that is friendly and lovable go up to a senior for their attention. You can just see the twinkle in the senior’s eyes as they stroke and pet these pets. Pets and elderly patients seem to be able to create a natural bond. These pets provide many benefits for both elderly and young alike.
If you have a dog or cat that you would like to register to use in pet therapy for the elderly, there are certain organization you can go to that will provide the certification that you need to be able to offer your pet to be used in pet therapy for the elderly. Usually pet owners also volunteer their time.
Pets have to pass a set of behavioral tests to ensure they have the right temperament to be used in pet therapy for the elderly. The first step is to contact the national pet therapy organization. This organization can send you the registration paperwork that is needed and provide more in depth instructions on how to register your pet for pet therapy for the elderly. It is also a good idea to take your dog to obedience classes first. Enrolling your pet in the Canine Good Citizen program offered by the AKC is also a good idea for pet owners who want to register their dogs for pet therapy for the elderly today as well.