My kitten was pregnant before we thought she was old enough to get spayed at the local AZ spay and neuter clinic. I felt like a terrible parent. She had her litter, and as soon as she was not breast feeding I took her right to the vet for the surgery. She was already pregnant again. I should have closed the kitty door. Or something. As much as I love her, I do not love how quickly she reproduces or having to find loving home for her offspring. I took her in for the surgery, she had it, and then she got pregnant AGAIN!
I need a new AZ spay and neuter clinic. I know this can happen even with the most reputable vets but I am ready to try something new before Fertile Myrtle over here gets knocked up again. We are keeping her entirely inside for now but she is very unhappy about it. I need to find an Arizona spay neuter clinic. Fast. When it comes to a spay and neuter clinic az has several options, but I need someone who can act quickly with good references. She is such a sweet kitty and I hate to put her through this again. But I must. I will take an Az spay neuter clinic in Phoenix, an AZ spay and neuter clinic in Mesa, really I will take her to any good AZ spay and neuter clinic. I need the best spay neuter clinic az has to offer. My cat is the most fertile animal alive. Even more so than that Duggar mom. I want an AZ spay and neuter clinic that will get this thing done right and not make me feel like an irresponsible kitty grandparent. Where can I find the very best AZ spay and neuter clinic?